
May 2022

Jelissa Reynoso Garcia was selected as a MIND Institute ARTP post-doctoral fellow and will be joining the lab in September 2022. We are excited that she will be joining the lab

april 2022

Brayan was accepted to the Microbiology PhD program at Cornell University!

December 2021

Carly Hennessey completed her PhD in Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Physiology. Congrats Carly!!

JUNE 2021

Gillian Wright joined the lab from the Microbiology graduate group. Welcome Gillian :)

JUNE 2020

Patricia Stokes obtained her MS degree in Nutritional Biology. Congrats Patricia!!

APRIL 2020

Patricia and Ciara are selected to give talks at the EB meeting in San Diego!! (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID)

JULY 2019

Ciara was selected to give a talk at the FASEB Scientific Research Conference

JUNE 2019

Carly was awarded a T32 fellowship in Animal Models of Infectious Diseases. Congrats Carly!

APRIL 2019

Danielle Kim joined the lab from the Immunology graduate group. Welcome Dani!!

November 2018

Dr. Ciara Keogh joined the lab - welcome Ciara!

APRIL 2018

Melanie was selected as the American Physiological Society Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology New Investigator

Dr. Eloisa Salvo joined the Lab - welcome Eloisa!

Carly passed her QE!! Congrats Carly